Corazon de SanFrancisco ‘96

In a dense blue beet,

a rhythm of a long stocking kiss,

the wind-fog of a grey bridge,

Two chambers opened for the mist and the moon.

A tongue of charm and tooth

The bewitching wink and lash,

Amber and gold,

Golden amber

Round as a bassoon.

A notion wrapped in a beat box

of promises on a sunburnt bridge

that bound two tempos into calico grins,

thick as the martyrs bond and sweet as the blood of a savior

A hero in a hole,

love with brown eyes

beets the color of his pounding name,

pulsing in the sun,

raging from bridge to shore.

A Diamond dancing on a needle,

sharp as a gun,

strong as the midnight whisper,

soaked the beauty of the Hero’s dreams.

They came to water,

exploding like freedom’s first steps

on the streets of rocks and roses.

The Diamond and the Hero

in the heights and heat of San Francisco

set fire It’s electric spine

and burst the heart of an ancient hum.

Held blood and bridges,

held beats and breath

until the night could no longer weep

and the lights of the City sang their names!

D.A. Medina